Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Easy Leftover Quesadillas

Okay, I'm not sure why this was such a revelation, but EVERYONE in my house ate this (and you don't know how rare that is!) I turned a simple dinner of cheese quesadillas into something easy and fabulous and used up some leftovers in the process!

* Corn or Flour Tortillas
* Shredded Cheese (your choice)
* Leftover Meat (we used potroast)
* Onions - chopped
* Cilantro - chopped (optional)

Chop up meat, onions and cilantro into bite-size pieces and heat in a pan until heated through. We added a bit of olive oil to brown the leftover potroast.

I sprayed a bit of olive oil on one side of the tortilla and laid it on a clean skillet. I topped it with cheese and the meat/onion/cilantro mixture. Crisp up both sides, cut into quarters. That's it! Seriously!  If you had leftover veggies or beans, you could throw those in, too.  Go ahead, clean out the fridge!

The four of us snarfed down 15 quesadillas (so that's 30 torillas, holy moly)! It was a huge hit and helped clean out my fridge. Yumm! Super easy, it only took about 20 minutes start to finish.